No-Drip Kiwi Popsicles: Kiwi Popsicle Recipe

Kiwi Ice Pops
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Ah, the bliss of a hot summer day, lounging under the sun with a delightful, cool treat in hand. But wait—what’s that? Drips racing down your arm, sticky fingers, and a rapidly melting mess. If you’re like me, you’ve probably encountered this not-so-ideal scenario one too many times. Fear not, fellow ice cream aficionados! Today, I’m sharing my secret recipe for no-drip kiwi popsicles. These delightful treats will keep you cool and mess-free, allowing you to savor every refreshing bite.

Drip Kiwi Popsicles
Drip Kiwi Popsicles

Let me take you back to last summer when I embarked on a mission to perfect the art of the popsicle. After numerous sticky trials and drippy errors, I stumbled upon the holy grail of popsicle-making: no-drip kiwi popsicles. Here’s how you can create these heavenly treats at home.

Kiwi Ice Pops

Recipe for Making No-Drip Kiwi Popsicles

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 4 hours
Servings 4
Calories 89 kcal


  • 4 ripe kiwis peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt adds creaminess and reduces drips
  • 2 tablespoon honey or agave syrup for sweetness
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice prevents browning and enhances flavor
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch the magic ingredient for no-drip consistency
  • Ice pop molds
  • Popsicle sticks


  • Blend the Kiwis: In a blender, combine the sliced kiwis, Greek yogurt, honey, and lemon juice. Blend until smooth.
  • Thicken the Mixture: Transfer the mixture to a saucepan. Add the cornstarch and stir well. Cook over medium heat, stirring continuously until the mixture thickens slightly—this is the secret to preventing drips!
  • Cool and Pour: Let the mixture cool to room temperature, then pour it into your ice pop molds.
  • Insert Sticks: Insert the popsicle sticks into the molds and freeze for at least 4 hours, or until completely solid.
  • Enjoy: When ready to serve, run the molds under warm water for a few seconds to release the popsicles. Enjoy your mess-free kiwi delights!



You can freely increase or decrease spices and ingredients according to your preferences without having to follow my recipe 100%.

Tips for Making the Ultimate Kiwi Ice Cream

Now that you have the basic recipe down, let’s dive into some pro tips to elevate your kiwi popsicle game. Trust me, these little tweaks make a big difference!

Tips for Making Ice Cream Without Dripping

  • Cornstarch is Key: The key to no-drip popsicles lies in the cornstarch. Adding cornstarch to your mixture helps to thicken it, reducing the chances of it melting too quickly and causing those dreaded drips. It’s a game-changer, folks!
  • Marshmallow Plug: Place a mini marshmallow at the bottom of your cone before adding ice cream. This simple trick helps block the hole at the bottom and absorbs any melting ice cream, preventing drips.

Tips to Make Ice Cream Softer

  • Greek Yogurt: To achieve a softer texture, incorporate a bit of Greek yogurt. Not only does it make the popsicles creamier, but it also prevents them from freezing into a rock-hard block. This makes for a more pleasant and smooth biting experience.
  • Increase Sugar Content: Sugar lowers the freezing point of water in the ice cream mixture, making the ice cream softer. However, balance is key to avoid overly sweet ice cream.
  • Incorporate Stabilizers: Ingredients like gelatin, pectin, or commercial stabilizers can prevent large ice crystals from forming, keeping the ice cream smooth and scoopable.
  • Avoid Over-Churning: Over-churning can incorporate too much air, making the ice cream too firm. Aim for a balance to ensure the right consistency.

Tips to Make Cream Thicker

  • Full-Fat Greek Yogurt: If you’re aiming for a thicker, richer cream, opt for full-fat Greek yogurt. The higher fat content adds a luscious texture that takes your popsicles to the next level. Plus, it’s a great way to indulge a little while staying cool.
  • Simmer to Reduce: Gently simmer the cream to evaporate excess water, which naturally thickens it. This process can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes and may slightly alter the flavor.
  • Instant Pudding Mix: Adding a small amount of instant pudding mix to whipping cream can enhance its thickness and stability, making it ideal for dessert toppings.

Tips for Making Ice Cream Without Ice Crystals

Avoiding ice crystals in your popsicles can be tricky, but I’ve got a solution. Cook the mixture gently and let it cool completely before freezing. This helps to minimize ice crystal formation, resulting in a smoother, more consistent texture.

Tips for Replacing Ice Cream Molds

No ice pop molds? No problem! Get creative with what you have on hand. Small paper cups or silicone muffin molds work wonderfully. Just cover them with aluminum foil and poke the popsicle sticks through the center. Voilà—instant ice pop molds!

Nutritional Value

  • Calories: Primarily from fat and sugar.
  • Protein: Moderate amount, depending on the milk or cream used.
  • Carbohydrates: High, mainly from sugar and kiwi fruit.
  • Fat: Varies depending on the fat content of the milk or cream used.
  • Fiber: Some fiber from the kiwi fruit.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin C, potassium, and other nutrients from the kiwi fruit.

How to Preserve Ice Cream

  • Temperature: The ideal temperature for storing ice cream is between -12°C (10°F) and -20°C (-4°F).
  • Location: Store ice cream in the main part of your freezer, not in the door. The door experiences more temperature fluctuations.
  • Airtight Container: Keep the ice cream container tightly closed to prevent air exposure, which can lead to ice crystals and freezer burn.
  • Plastic Wrap: Place a layer of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the ice cream before replacing the lid to minimize ice crystal formation.
  • Freezer Bags: For long-term storage, consider transferring the ice cream to a freezer-safe gallon bag.
  • Avoid Odor Transfer: Store ice cream away from strong-smelling foods to prevent flavor contamination.


1. Can I use other fruits besides kiwi?

Absolutely! This no-drip technique works with a variety of fruits. Try strawberries, mangoes, or peaches for a delicious twist.

2. How long do these popsicles last in the freezer?

They can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months. Just be sure to wrap them individually to prevent freezer burn.

3. Can I make these popsicles vegan?

Yes, you can substitute Greek yogurt with coconut yogurt and use agave syrup instead of honey for a vegan-friendly version.

4. Why is my popsicle mixture not thickening?

Make sure you’re cooking the mixture long enough for the cornstarch to activate. It should thicken slightly as it heats. If it remains runny, try adding a bit more cornstarch.

5. What if I don’t have a blender?

You can mash the kiwis with a fork for a chunkier texture or use a food processor if you have one.

There you have it—my tried and true recipe for no-drip kiwi popsicles. These delightful treats are perfect for cooling down on a hot day without the mess. So go ahead, give them a try, and let me know how they turn out. Happy popsicle-making!

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